Sunday 15 September 2013

Questionnaire Feedback

I wanted to get a better understanding of what different demographics liked. I did this by carrying out a questionnaire about music videos. I got a lot of mixed results. I can clearly see that there is a definite link between age and the type of music and music videos that people like. For example I found that younger people listen to a lot more rap, hip-hop and pop music in comparison to middle aged people who like soul and classical. 

When I asked people hoe much music they listened to I was surprised with the result. A lot of people said that they only listened to about 3-5 hours a week. My thoughts were that this figure would be a lot higher. In younger people this was the case and the general result was 11+ hours, but it was surprising to see that people don't spend that much time listening to music. This could create a problem when making a music video, if people don't listen to music why would they watch the video? This is something that we can work on and make something that people do want to watch. 

When researching and asking people about music videos I got mostly the same response. Not a lot of people take time to watch the music videos anymore, this is due to music being portable and people listening to it on IPhone's. IPods etc... instead of watching the video on youtube. When people do watch the video I found out that most people like to see a narrative video. One thing I got as a response is that people hate just seeing the artist singing his or her song and nothing else going on. Another thing people really didn't like was cheesy and over the top videos. This is a good thing to find out, we can now avoid these areas and work on points that our demographic do enjoy. 

When doing this questionnaire it made me think about what demographic we will be appealing to. With out ideas in mind I believe that in effect we could appeal to all demographics. But with the genre of music we have chosen I think it is more appropriate to go for a younger demographic. Teenagers aged between 14-19.     

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