Tuesday 17 September 2013


My location of  my music video is spaced over 4 different places. 

1. Audition Room
I have chosen to have this as one as my locations because this is where the dancer starts in the music video. For this I want to get a black space with a theatre feel. It needs to be big enough for someone to be able to dance in. It also has to look real and not just a room. I have a few places that I will look into. I will need to get permission from the owner, and make a time slot to be able to use this room. 

This is the type of audition room that I was thinking of. As you can see all the walls and floor is black, this is what a typical dance or drama studio is like. It will kick my video off to a good start making it look professional. 

2. Home/House
In the second part of the music videos we see the girl at home, waking up and getting ready for the day. She later returns to this location. This is a easy location to get hold of because I can use my own house or anyone else's who I ask. I will need to get permission to move things around etc... Filming in a house it goos because you can get everything just as you want and you can change things around. 

3. Public Location
In the third part of the video we see the dancer going on a run, although it isn't in the video very long it still counts as a location because we have to film there. The location we will probably look at using is a field, or a running area. Somewhere that has a good setting so it looks like she is going on a long healthy run. 

4. Dance Studio
The middle part of the video is the dancer dancing in the dance studio. She spends a lot of time in there as this is where we see the girl trying her hardest and 'not giving in.' For this we have to look at hiring something out or asking permission to use spaces available to us. 

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