Thursday 27 June 2013

Skrillex Bangarang

This is another music video that we liked the look of. This is more of a drum and bass music, and doesn't really have that many lyrics. Again this is another narrative video and has a story to it. Unlike La La La this one doesn't really have music relevance to the lyrics. Skrillex are know for this type of video so it has become a typical thing so this type of music to do. 
This is the opening shot to the music video. It is a medium shot, you can see the dog but not the surrounding area. It makes the audience wonder what is going to happen in this video as you can't tell from the beginning.
We are then introduced to our first character. They use a close up of his face to show his features and also his reaction to what is going on. This man is shown to be the 'bad guy' in the video. His costume is meant to show a trypical ice cream man. He comes across as a scary, intimidating looking man. Not something that we usally assciate with an ice cream man. 
As we go though the video we see a gang of boys that we have been introduced to getting ready for something. We see them start to play around with explosives and electrical things. In this shot we see that the ice cream man is being electrcuted by a young boy. This tells that audience that clearly this character is meant to be show as the bad guy and that he has done something to upset the boys. They use a close up in this shot again so that you can see exactly what is happening to his hand.
This is a good shot of one the other boys attacking and closing the door on the ice cream mans hand. This shot is particully good as you can see everything that is happening. The boy is the main focus as he is taking up most of the shot but you can see his clear intention. It is almost as if  you are seeing this happen from the boys point of view. 
This shot is kind of a contrast to the last one. In the last one you see the volience and the hurt the boy is causing. In this shot you see his face, you can clearly tell that he looks worried and concerned about what he has done. They have used a medium camera shot in this scene. This is so that you can see the boys reaction and also the fact that he is running away from something. 
The use of shadows in this shot is very good. You can see the young boy on the right, the shadow on the wall is a lot bigger than what the boy is, this is meant to show how the boy is growing up. It links a lot to the following scenes. I like the use of the shadow because it creates and interesting effect and shows how you can create easy effects that could have a lot of different meanings. 

This is the shot that follows the shadow. It shows the young boy in the scene before all grown up. It is meant to show how the crimes and bad things he did in his childhood have carried on into his youth. I like the use of the cross cut to a close up becuase it allows the audience to understand this change very easily. It is also a very good way of showing a long period of time in a short video. 

If you click here you will be able to watch the hole video and enjoy the song. 

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