Thursday 27 June 2013

Nicky Romero Toulouse

This music video is different to all the others that we have researched as it is a dance video. The type of music used is house music. No lyrics so the story line could be anything. I like how they have created this video and there are a lot of things that i would like to try in my own music video. 
This is the opening to the music video. I really like this because it shows the audience straight away who the artist is. The bold colour and font also reflect the type of music that this is. 
We then get introduced to our first and main character. This costume that they have of the mask is key in this video. As it shows that when ever you wear this mask you become a dancer. It is filmed in the streets so the mask fits into they scene that it is based around. 
The use of close ups are very important in this video as it shows the detail. Normally you would be able to see the characters expressions or looks, in this you can't because of the mask this gives a more creepy feel to the video and as you haven't seen the character dance yet the audience are left to wonder what could happen. 

Now you start to see this character dancing. It is a contrast to what the stereotypical character would do as he looks like he would be someone to mug you or attack you. 

Now you can see both characters are wearing the mask. It is obvious to see that the mask now has a meaning. When you watch the video you can see that anyone who is to wear a mask starts to dance, without it the other 'normal' people are confused to why they are dancing. This wide angle shot allows the audience to see both characters dancing in the street. It helps them understand what might be about to happen. 

Through out the video the mask is passed on to more and more people in till we end up with the gang on dancers. This is something that could easily be shot by myself. And i like the idea of having dancing in a music video. Because it is filmed in the streets it wouldn't cost anything and could easily be filmed at different times of the day to create different meanings. 
The end of this video shows that the hole act we have just seen is in someones dream. We end up in the same scene that we started with the same character. This close up of his face allows the audience to see the shock, worry and confusion about what he has just seen. 
We then see a shot of the other man walking away confused. This shot then appears. It shows the audience that what they have just seen was not a dream. It leaves the audience with a sense of wonder and confusion. This is something that i like as it means that you could create more videos like this to keep the audience coming back and watching more. 

Here is the LINK to watch the music video. You can get a feel for what the music is like and how it fits in with video. 

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